Native plants as medicine

Harnessing the power of plants as medicine is the oldest known system of healing. Plants have always been associated with health and wellbeing and our Australian flora is particularly powerful in treating a range of skin, respiratory and digestive diseases. We list a selection of native Australian plants and how they can be used to heal.
Sydney Peppermint
A beautifully aromatic tree which happens to be the first Australian plant used by European settlers. A surgeon on the first fleet distilled oil from the plant and used it to treat digestive/colic-type complaints from the crew.
Austral Mulberry
Sometimes referred to as Native Mulberry, this small rainforest shrub is a prolific bearer of inedible fruit which can be applied directly to cuts and stings.
Bracken Fern
The roots of the Bracken Fern can be cooked and the starchy content separated from the tough fibre (or green shoots) which are then used topically for relief from insect bites. Our founder, Belinda's father was known to use Bracken Fern as a bush remedy for bull ant bites.
Old Man Saltbush
Aptly named, these salty leaves are often used in bush tucker recipes however can also be applied as a medicine for cuts and stings.
Cherry Ballart
Also called a Native Cherry, this tree bears an edible fruit similar in taste to a European cherry. The sap from the tree stem can be used to treat snakebites.
Hemp Bush
A small tree endemic to south-east Queensland with pretty little clusters of scented drooping bells. The leaves of the Hemp Bush can be applied as poultices for boils and ulcers.
Punty Bush
An evergreen shrub with vivid yellow flowers. The leaves of the shrub have been used as a medicinal wash.
Old Man Weed
A perennial herb of the daisy family used to treat ailments of the skin, eye infections and even tuberculosis.
River Mint
A smaller, more delicate version of mint with a spearmint flavour. Often ingested as a tea to help alleviate symptoms of coughs and colds.
Australian Blackwood
A species of acacia (wattle) in which the bark can be brewed as a tea to treat indigestion or applied topically to treat rheumatism.