Curbing the spread of any virus

From a friend in Hong Kong where they have mostly been able to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus (after their bitter experience with SARS back in 2002), the HOST acronym is the advice people there are adhering to:
(H) Hands & Hygiene: regularly clean your hands with soap/water or sanitisers and avoid touching surfaces like door handles, lift buttons, hand rails etc. Also avoid touching other people (no handshakes or hugs). Never bring shoes indoors and change clothes immediately after going out making sure to clean clothing worn outdoors immediately.
(O) Outdoors: if leaving home, stay outdoors in open space with fresh air.
(S) Social distance: avoid crowded places and big gatherings, public transport etc and if you must, bring a mask.
(T) Toilet seat: keep it covered at all times, especially when flushing and regularly clean the surface.
Sydney doctor, Dan Suan said countries further along in the outbreak have had dramatically different numbers of cases depending on how well they kept to themselves during the early periods.
The below graph shows data from the World Health Organisation collated by Dr Dan Suan. It shows countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan being able to manage the outbreak of COVID-19.
Dr Suan comments that "because of SARS, Hong Kong people understand what social isolation is at a personal level ... They know they just have to ride it out for a while."