Supporting Australian artists

To help support the Australian artistic community during this difficult period, we are offering our retail store windows to Australian artists.
For 6 weeks we will showcase artists' work in both Paddington and Bondi store windows.
Three artists will be selected and their artworks will be displayed for 2 weeks each, along with promotion via email and social media. Each selected artist will also receive a Bondi Wash gift pack to the value of $300.
Expressions of interest are now open. Please email your interest to including a brief description of your work and up to 3 examples of your work or a website link if you have one. The medium can be any art form including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography or ephemeral.
Artists do not need to live locally but will be responsible for transporting their work to our stores. Selected artists will also be responsible for creating the display and taking it down on completion.
It is a small contribution but one we hope might make a difference during these challenging times.
Please email submissions to prior to Friday 17th July 2020.
Image by Sally Browne.